Monday, April 14, 2008

no more nomophobia?

Nomophobia: n. The fear of being out of mobile phone contact.

Luckily, I don't suffer from it, as I am currently without my cell phone as it participates in a increasingly losing duel with a couple dragons. Why would my phone be dueling with a few dragons? Well, it all started when I went to the UCF SGA sponsored trip to Islands of Adventure last Friday dubbed "Universal Knights" [oh, the knight/night puns never get old :P]. I had a great time, despite boarding the 'Fire' rollercoaster with a phone and departing it without one. Oh well, hopefully the valiant park workers can manage to rescue it.

Anywho. Other interesting things that have happened of late include:

>The Knights for the Arts event, which was fun. I definitely plan on doing it again if I they have it again. The pieces I submitted were Tranquility and Entropy.

>Going to see SAY ANYTHING at the Disney House of Blues two weekends ago, as well as Weatherbox [if you can call what they did music], Eli "Paperboy" Reed and the True Love [they were okay], and Manchester Orchestra [I didn't like them]. Say Anything was awesome and since HOB allows moshing [Hard Rock doesn't], everyone was going crazy :P It was fun.

>My friends and I taught ourselves [from rewatching YouTube quality video] an abbreviated version of the 'El Tango de Roxanne' from Moulin Rouge as our group demo in our ballroom dancing class. It was kind of amazing, if I do say so myself. Check it out for yourself!

>The EGN1007 [Engineering Properties and Methods] Great Navel Orange Race was help last Friday, where the 500 UCF engineering freshman students raced their boat/submarine devices around the Reflection Pond while carrying an orange - and not using remote control. It was very... entertaining, to say the least. The winning boat completed the course in a rumored 16 seconds [actual time pending] - which basically means it flew around the fountain. Yay for engineering.

>Honors Congress had a volunteer trip to Habitat for Humanity on Saturday and I went. I had a great time - especially cutting wood planks with a circular saw. =D I'm definitely planning on doing that again.

So yeah, I think this has been a long enough entry. yay for having 14 days
[including weekends and finals] left in this semester!

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