Tuesday, January 26, 2010

[dos equis]

Last Saturday was my 20th birthday. I had a great day: manicures with the girls [including Jen, who came down from UF!], dinner at Carraba's, and a party at concert-buddy Robert's. In holding with tradition, below is my birthday lexicon.


1) I am currently learning Spanish and I love it
2) The more I learn about psychology, the more is fascinates me.
3) I love learning in general.
4) I have never been west of the Mississippi River.
5) I intend to change that this summer.
6) I greatly dislike horror films and scary movies.
7) I fear becoming obsolescent.
8) Lion King will always be my favorite Disney movie.
9) I can't sing but...
10) ...I love singing along with musicals as if I can.
11) I'm a dork/geek/nerd - all of the above.
12) My most played song in iTunes is Sick Sad Little World by Incubus.
13) I eventually want to learn how to play the bass guitar.
14) I'm finding that it is a lot harder to think of 20 random things about myself than I thought.
15) Favorite college class to date: abnormal psychology.
16) Least favorite college class: Western Civilization II - though that was due to an awful teacher, not the content.
17) I look a lot different without my glasses.
18) I believe a good time can be had anywhere if you have good company.
19) Pet peeve: unreliable people.
20) I have a running to-do lists and I love crossing things off of it when I finish them.

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