Monday, September 06, 2010

[senior year?!]

Well, now that I have completed TWO [2] full weeks of the school year, I think it is finally starting to sink in that I am a senior in college. I have a full 3 years of memories at UCF and it's so weird that this could potentially be the last year to do everything I want to do at this school - unless I end up here for graduate school, but that's another story.

I keep reminiscing about memories from the past years with my friends and sometimes it gets me down, realizing what has changed, what's remained the same, etc. Then I realized that I'm not on my death bed; I'm a 20-year-old college senior - and I have an entire year to create even more memories I won't forget for years to come. So bring it on, senior year!

This semester I am partaking in:
>Research Methods in Psychology: learning how to create psychological experiments; good so far.
>Memory and Testimony: fascinating class about memory, the psychology/philosophy of it, how faulty memory can be and how that can effect things like the legal system.
>Violence in our Lives: sociology class about violence; One lesson last week? Watching CSI Miami and analyzing the violence in the episode/analyzing how the cases were solved. Can anyone say AWESOME?
>Honors in the Major: aka conducting an undergraduate thesis.
>Applied Cognition and Technology Lab: Lab I am so so so ecstatic to be a part of - and where said thesis will be completed.
>TAing: for Stat Methods in Psych. Because I can. And because I actually like it.
>Honors Congress: Still President, still the main reason I'm happy go to UCF every morning, still enjoying every minute of it
>Psychological Society: Treasurer, been good so far.
>Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT): Newly founded organization to assist in any large campus events or emergencies. Going to be awesome to see how it develops!
>Working: Going on 3 years working at my job on campus at UCF!

Yeah, definitely won't be sitting around bored this senior year - as if I could sit around bored =D

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